DSR Lines / Ōgon Batto - Fall Trip 2014
David Edren and Bent Von Bent embark on a small trip presenting the Ōgon Batto tape on Hare Akedod and "Spoel" a tape by DSR Lines on SicSic.
10/15/14 - Het Bos, Antwerpen
10/16/14 - Worm, Rotterdam
10/17/14 - Occii, Amsterdam
10/18/14 - Nest, Brussel
10/21/14 - Makroscope, Mülheim
10/22/14 - Klub Genau, Köln
10/23/14 - Walpodenakademie, Mainz
10/24/14 - Rakete, Stuttgart
DSR LINES (be, Ultra Eczema)
"David Edren, who co-runs the label Hare Akedod, lays out some liquifying modular synth stunners like an audible acupuncture session. Delicate and precise penetrations giving way to a rush of foamy euphoria, enveloping it into delicate sequenced melodies or vast synthesizer vistas. It is like viewing electronic music under a microscope and discovering amazing patterns. Edren keeps his sounds tactly understated and instead of going for a full-blown Berlin school analog synth monument, he explores the scientific (and sci-fi) aesthetics with delicacy and restrain."
ŌGON BATTO (be, Hare Akedod)
"the alter ego of soundshamanist Bent Von Bent, co-runner of the Hare Akedod label and group. The sounds gathered on his magnetic shiner root deeply in the subconscious with it's nightmarish fever blues and goldplated shimmering rays of electronic fuzzwash."
Ōgon Batto's debut was released in 2014 as a limited edition cassette on Hare Akedod.
"David Edren’s electronic music isn’t just a retro-futuristic gadget. Despite the analogue synthesizers and all the (pseudo-)nostalgic sentiments they may provoke – this is NOW!-music. NOW as in: let’s have a bath, NOW!, let’s look into the sun with eyes closed and watch the psychedelic insides of our eyelids, NOW! This is, let’s put it straight, music to focus and to be in this very moment, NOW!" Sicsic Tapes
"..a presence in Antwerp i always enjoyed, whether in the background organising shows at the Scheldapen space in Antwerp, during his Radioshows at Radio Centraal, as head of the Hare Akedod label or in various other constellations, it is good to see DSR Lines is finally cooking his great Kosmische psychedelic synth jams as a main course!! Eyes wide open behind the wheel one might wanna catch some drips of this fire in the eye balls, but drip slowly, and for a full experience do whatever you please! For those who need some name drops instead, cancel out the vocals on early Battiato records, travel to Germany after Harmonia left a mess or choke Klaus Schulze forcing him to play from his fucking heart!" Dennis Tyfus / Ultra Eczema
"The overwhelming sense of disquiet burns brightly from the bowl immediately. Bleary, opaque synth and ominous low ends have a portentous effect. Hazy noise careens until, unexpectedly, a sequence of piano notes finishes the track. Ōgon Batto, in the seventh release for Hare Akedod, exhibits a prowess for composition throughout this tape; the tracks seem structured for optimal impact on the listener. Cascading piano notes produce waves of eerie chill. Meanwhile, reverb-soaked chords spread through the atmosphere with ease - a lovely juxtaposition. Menacing vibrations continue to circulate in the following track, "Jacht Op Allen." Contemplative piano ruminates in the stale air next to majestic zither. Ritualistic percussion increases the tension, which gives the track another dimension; poignant waves fade in while mutant synth manifests on the periphery. The flipside contains beautiful instances of minimalism, Enigmatic tones and waves of pulsating synths that accelerate and descend all around the listener." Honest Bag